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Low-cost BARSKA 1x30 IR M-16 Electro Sight Riflescope Free Shipping

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Cheapest BARSKA 1x30 IR M-16 Electro Sight Riflescope

Buy BARSKA 1x30 IR M-16 Electro Sight Riflescope
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BARSKA 1x30 IR M-16 Electro Sight Riflescope : Brief Specs

  • Electro sight riflescope designed for quick tactical shooting
  • 7-position reticle illumination adjustment; removable objective lens
  • 1/2-inch-click adjustable windage and elevation adjustments
  • Multi-coated ruby lenses; parallax-free image at 100 yards
  • Tactical red illuminated cross reticle; 1-year warranty


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All data as of Feb 16, 2012 19:19:28.


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